This report was produced by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI),
Ohio Citizen Action (OCA), and Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC),
which constitute the U.S. team of the Access Initiative. Many people
contributed to this summary, including Carl Bruch, Dorigen Fried, and
Sarah King from ELI; Simona Vaclavikova from OCA; and Michael Stanley-Jones
and Leslie Byster from SVTC. Shari Weir (Citizens Policy Center), Karen
Arnett (Environmental Community Organization), Paul Orum (Working Group
on Community Right-to-Know), Amy Hui (Environmental Justice Coalition for
Water), and Jay Pendergrass (ELI) reviewed earlier drafts of this report.
Olga Meydbray (SVTC), Tim Hayes (Interactive Health Ecology Access Links),
Geoff Brosseau (Bay Area Clean Water Agencies), and Peter Melhus (Silicon
Valley Environmental Partnership) contributed their research and insights.
Elena Petkova and Fran Irwin of World Resources Institute provided invaluable
guidance and inspiration.
The Access Initiative is a global coalition of public interest groups led by
Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE, Uganda) Corporación
Participa (Chile), Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA, Hungary),
Thailand Environment Institute (TEI, Thailand), and World Resources Institute
(WRI, United States), collaborating to promote national-level implementation of
commitments to access to information, participation, and justice in environmental
decision-making. For more information on The Access Initiative, please visit
Unless otherwise noted, views, interpretations, and findings represented herein
are those of the authors and do not represent The Access Initiative or the reviewers.