
Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN)

Environment Australia Online
Department of Environment and Heritage
Includes sections on:
-- Air
-- Biodiversity
-- Coasts and Marine
-- Data Directories
-- Geographic
-- Heritage
-- Industry
-- Monitoring
-- Land Conservation
-- Mining
-- Monitoring

EnviroNET Australia
A network of environmental databases providing information on, environmental education, cleaner production, industry expertise, environmental technologies, research and development and hazardous waste.

National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) - Australia
NPI is Australia's national database of pollutant emissions. Emissions data from the first NPI reporting year, July 1998-June 1999, will be available from this site in early 2000. A database with information on emissions to the air, land and water in South East Queensland is currently available from this site.

Nature Conservancy, The
The Nature Conservancy's International Program works to preserve plants, animals and natural ecosystems in Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific Islands through partnership with local communities and like-minded conservation organizations.

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment

Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS), The
OTS is a not-for-profit consortium of 58 universities and research institutions in the United States, Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru and Australia. OTS operates with the mission of providing leadership in education, research, and the responsible use of natural resources in the tropics, and to increase understanding of and slow the destruction of tropical forests. OTS maintains "Tropical Stations Online Datasets", including the National Bibliography in Tropical Biology; Arthropods of La Selva; La Selva, meteorological data from the Las Cruces and Palo Verde Research Stations, and research sets on lichens and fungi. In English and Spanish.

Rainforest Information Centre
A volunteer, non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting rainforests, the womb of life and home to over half the Earth's species. Features maps of rainforests in Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Ecuador, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Venezuela.