Central and Eastern Europe
Central and Eastern European Environmental Expert Database (CEED)
CEED highlights regional experts, their institutes, research,
and publications (including grey literature). This in-house database, compiled by CEDAR and REC,
is a useful tool for CEE institutions and the general scientific community interested in collaborative research and joint ventures.
Central and Eastern European Consumption and Production Patterns Network
Common Policy and Action Plan.
Center for Environmental Public Advocacy, The (Slovakia)
The Center for Environmental Public Advocacy (CEPA) is a non profit,
non governmental, non partisan organization promoting positive
social change at the local, national and international levels.
Its mission is to create and enforce effective instruments leading
towards strengthening citizen's participation in decision making
regarding issues of public interest, sustainable development,
protection of human rights and environmental justice.
CEPA´s central programs are the Public Interest Law Program and
Sustainable Economy Program.
The activities within Public Interest Law Program (PIL Program)
fall into three inter-related program pillars:
- Strategic Litigation and Legal Aid providing legal services
to citizens and NGOs with priority to cases of significant impact,
- Legal Education, including publications, manuals and
workshops on PIL issues for active citizens and NGOs; and
- Access to Justice through networking of legal professionals,
PIL Conference, working with law students and contributing to judicial reform.
Includes publications produced by the Center for Environmental Public Advocacy
and Friends of the Earth.
Slovakia regarding selected issues of the Sustainable Economy Program
available in English. Outputs include informational materials,
brochures, press releases, articles, letters addressed
to official institutions, case studies, and results from CEPA's
research activities. In Slovak and English.
Coalition Clean Baltic (Sweden)
Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) is a politically independent,
non-profit association that unites 27 member organizations
from Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany,
Denmark and Sweden. The main goal of CCB is to promote the
protection and improvement of the Baltic Sea environment and natural resources.
CCB participates as a joint lobby organization for the member
organizations towards intergovern-mental Baltic Sea organizations
such as the HELCOM (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission)
and the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC),
the BALTIC 21-process as well as towards the European Union.
CCB as an organization has decided to focus on three priority areas:
- Reduction of the harmful nutrient load to the Baltic Sea,
- Preventions of installations and activities harmful
to the Baltic Sea Environment, and
- Development of sustainable Baltic Sea Fisheries.
Includes map of Baltic Sea Region Hot Spots. In English.
ECO-Accord Center for Environment and Sustainable Development (Russia)
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) -
Commonwealth of Independent States
ECO-Accord is a non-governmental, non-profit organization,
founded in 1992 to promote the realization of the decisions
adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in
Rio-de-Janeiro. ECO-Accord participates in Leadership for
Environment and Development (LEAD)-Commonwealth of Independent
States. LEAD's mission is to create and sustain a global network of
leaders who are committed to promote change towards patterns of
economic development that are environmentally sustainable and
socially equitable. Contains News, Global Info, Eco-Accord
Reports on Environment and Health, Database of LEAD alumni
worldwide. In Russian and English.
Kyiv/Kiev 2002 Environment for Europe
Tacis Environmental Awareness Raising Programme (Ukraine)
This web-site was created to collect information on the Environment for
Europe process. Information on the history of Environment for
Europe, participants of the process, challenges and successes
of the process, and preparations for the Fifth Ministerial
Conference. In Russian and English.
Alburnus Maior, a Romanian NGO headquartered in Rosia Montana,
Romania, tracks gold mining, toxic risk, and population displacement
in their region. In Romana, English and Magyar.
Umanotera (Slovenia)
Umanotera is implementing a three year programme for strengthening
civil society organisations in Slovenia. In 2002 and 2003, through
funding provided by the Trust for Civil Society in Central &
Eastern Europe Umanotera undertook three individual projects:
Initiative for the Future of NGOs,
Capacity building of the NGO Centre and the NGO sector,
promotion of networking and co-operation, and strengthening
the dialogue between the government and the NGO sector in Slovenia,
implemented by Centre of NGOs Slovenia and .ent, and
- Law on Non-governmental organisations and activities related
to the adoption and implementation of the law,
implemented by PIC (Pravno Informacijski Center).
In Slovenia.
Union of Environmental Organizations of Macedonia (UEOM), The
UEOM was established to unify the ideas, people and problem
solving capabilities of environmental organizations in Macedonia.
UEOM is comprised of 46 local member NGOs (as of July 2000);
a number of government ministries, civic associations and
individual experts are associates working within the UEOM
framework. The site contains information about the Project
'Development of the Rural Areas and Sustainable Organic
Farming'; contact information. In English.
Waterscape International Group (USA)
Waterscape International Group, a California public benefit corporation, develops strategies
for managing environmental problems, in particular those relating to water resources. Areas of
interest include: 1) surface water and groundwater management, 2) salinity and agriculture,
3) public health and the environment, 4) citizen environmental monitoring and education,
and 5) technology training for environmental protection. They specialise in GIS research on
environment, agriculture, and public health in Lithuania and California. Waterscape's goals
are: 1) to engage in international research and projects in these areas, and 2) to provide
limited technical expertise to governments and organizations to initiate and carry-out
projects and research in these areas. The site features: Environmental News, Program
information, and an extensive list of tools and data for those interested in GIS or
modeling of natural systems. In English.